Philosophy of life

In the Netherlands there is freedom of religion: everyone is allowed to stand up for his / her beliefs and organize meetings.
The Netherlands has three main streams: Protestant, Roman Catholic and Islam.
These also meet in Ridderkerk.
In addition, Ridderkerk has other religious communities and philosophical movements.

There are several Muslim communities in Ridderkerk.
They meet at different locations.

In addition to regular worshipmeetings, there are also international worshipmeetings especially for status holders, residents of AZC, asylum seekers, refugees and other interested parties.
At these meetings interpreters are present who translate into Arabic, English, Farsi and Tigrinya.

For information and contact details for all Ridderkerk religious communities and philosophical movements
click the links:

Download de lijst met Islamitische geloofsgemeenschappen en levensbeschouwelijke stromingen

Download de lijst met Christelijke geloofsgemeenschappen en levensbeschouwelijke stromingen

Download de lijst met overige geloofsgemeenschappen en levensbeschouwelijke stromingen